Durland Scout Center

My Novice license was earned, in 1970, through association with Boy Scout Explorer Post 51, the Durland Scout Center, located in Rye, New York.











Sadly, I have noticed that the Durland facility is now for sale to the highest bidder...

from http://www.wpcbsa.org

Durland Aquatics Center Sale Update

December 21, 2004 

At a called meeting of the Westchester-Putnam Council's Executive Board on Monday evening February 23, 2004, the Board voted to sell the Durland Scout Center located on Milton Point in Rye, New York (see below) and to commence a court proceeding in order to confirm that the sale of the center and reestablishment of Camp Durland at the Clear Lake Scout Reservation are consistent with the Will of Agatha A. Durland. (The Will Construction)

A committee to oversee the sale was appointed. Members of the committee are: Co-Chairs- Joe Coughlin & Bob Snyder; members- Peter Wilcox, John Perone, John Callahan, Jim Levi, Colin Ringleib & Ross Weale; Staff Advisor- Jack Sears.

During the summer of 2004, the Council initiated the Will Construction proceeding with the Surrogate's Court, State of New York, Westchester County.

A Decision from the court has been rendered and is summarized by legal counsel as follows:
"The six page Decision of the Westchester County Surrogate's Court dated December 14, 2004, permits the Westchester-Putnam Council, Inc. Boy Scouts of America to sell and relocate Camp Durland and re-establish it, leaving to the Council's discretion what facilities and activities need to be provided at Clear Lake Scout Reservation".

With the decision of the court completed, the Council will be moving forward with the sale of the Durland Scout Center and the reestablishment of Camp Durland at the Clear Lake Scout Reservation. The sale committee will continue to meet to oversee the process.

February 4, 2005
The Westchester-Putnam Council, Boy Scouts of America, listed the Durland Aquatics Center for sale with Realty 3 Real Estate, Inc., 78 Purchase St., Rye, NY 10580.

Listing price- $8,700,000.